Shapleigh-Action Fair, August 31, 1937
Union Park, Acton, Me.
Tuesday, August 31, 1937
Official Race Program
Union Park Trotting Association, Inc.
W. R. Wilson, President
Ralph Sanborn, Vice President
Herman Allen, Treasurer
Fred Young, Secretary
J. Melvin Wescott, Chairman of Entertainment
M. I. Collins
Dr. Jackson
Jack Yuill
Warren Wood, Chatham, N. Y.
Frank Boston
Frank Witman
Operated Under Supervision of
|Miles Mank, Chairman
First Half Daily Double
2.21 Pace
1 Hanover Ace r g H. Day, Gorham, Me., Day Purple
2 Cashier b g Cold Cash Small & Ward, Richmond, Me., Small Green
3 Colonel Crogan b h Real Frisco L. Haddock, Lewiston, Me., Morgan Green-Gold
4 Marjorie S. bm Wayne Hal S. Sullivan, Brighton, Mass., Kebrich Black
5 Hannah Henley b m Peter Henley Rose H. Miller, So. Portland, Me., Miller Blue-Gold
6 Kalmuck Direct b g Kalmuck J. Phelan, Newmarket, N. H., Phelan
2.17 Trot
1 Nancy Arion b m Arion Guy H. Randall, Harrison, Me., Phalen Black-White
2 Jura b m McGregor the Great H. A. Brisbin, Readfield, Me., Brisbin Brown
3 Jane Express b m Atlantic Express D. Eastman, Cornish, Me., Eastman Tan
4 All Get r g Allworthy L. Taylor, Kennebunk, Me., Small Green
5 A. J. b g Atlantic Express H. F. Hiltz, Pasco. R. I., Hiltz Blue-Gold
6 Harry Dillon b g Dillon Volo L. Haddock, Lewistom, Me., Morgan Green-Gold
Second Half Daily Double
2.08 Pace
1 Patsey Hanover b m Sandy Flash H. Brisbin, Readfield, Me., Brisbin Brown
2 West Virginia Girl b m West Virginia Boy H. M. Merrill, Centre Ossippee. N. H., Haddock Black-White
3 Sandy F. b g Sandy Flash Milo Lewis, Turner, Me., Stewart Blue-Yellow
4 Calumet Elbert b g Peter the Brewer J. Parle, Dover, N. H., Day Purple
5 Walter Princeton blk h Hollyrood Walter G. Jewett, West Bath, Me., Morgan Green-Gold
6 Laurel Colburn b m Laurel Hall G. Jewett, West Bath, Me., Jewett Blue-Gold
2.21 Pace
1 Hannah Henley, Miller
2 Hanover Ace, Day
3 Marjorie S., Kebrich
4 Cashier, Small
5 Colonel Crogan, Morgan
6 Kalmuck Direct, Phelan
2.17 Trot
1 All Get, Small
2 Jane Express, Eastman
3 A. J., Hiltz
4 Harry Dillon, Morgan
5 Nancy Arion (scratch), Phalen
6 Jura, Brisbin
2.08 Pace
1 Laurel Colburn, Jewett
2 West Virginia Girl, Haddock
3 Walter Princeton, Morgan
4 Patsey Hanover, Brisbin
5 Calumet Elbert, Day
6 Sandy F., Stewart
2.21 Pace
1 Kalumuck Direct, Phelan
2 Hanover Ace, Day
3 Marjorie S., Kebrich
4 Hannah Henley, Miller
5 Cashier, Small
6 Colonel Crogan, Morgan
2.17 Trot
1 Jane Express, Eastman
2 Nancy Arion (scratch), Phelan
3 A.J., Hiltz
4 Jura, Brisban
5 All Get, Small
6 Harry Dillon, Morgan
2.08 Pace
1 West Virginia Girl, Haddock
2 Sandy F., Stewart
3 Patsey Hanover, Brisbin
4 Laurel Colburn, Jewett
5 Walter Princeton, Morgan
6 Calumet Elbert, Day
The 8-page, Official Race Program for the Tuesday, August 31, 1937 Shapleigh-Acton Fair in Acton, Maine. The program includes the names of those serving on the Union Park Trotting Association, Inc. board as well as race day officials. Photographer Guy Kendall made handwritten notes inside the program recording race finishes and times as well as changes in the field of horses. Kendall trimmed down the program to fit in the photo album, causing some race information as well as advertising to be lost.
Shapleigh-Action Fair, August 31, 1937
Acton, Maine
The 8-page, Official Race Program for the Tuesday, August 31, 1937 Shapleigh-Acton Fair in Acton, Maine. The program includes the names of those serving on the Union Park Trotting Association, Inc. board as well as race day officials. Photographer Guy Kendall made handwritten notes inside the program recording race finishes and times as well as changes in the field of horses. Kendall trimmed down the program to fit in the photo album, causing some race information as well as advertising to be lost.