Document type
Race Program
Skowhegan Fair Park
Date of Race
Park Location
Skowhegan, Maine
Event Type
Stake Race
Trot and Pace
Level of Description
Extent of the Unit of Description
12 pages
Twelve-page Souvenir Program Skowhegan Fair for harness racing, baseball and horse pulling. The Skowhegan Fair Officers and Race Officials are listed on the inside front cover. The daily fair program is printed on the back cover.
Fair Officers included: William L. Robertson, President; Francis E. Croteau, Secretary; Fred W. Weston, Asst. Secretary; Ralph T. Jenkins, Treasurer; Jerry F. Cole, First Vice-President; Francis H. Friend, Second Vice-President; C. Davis Miller, Third Vice-President; C. W. Day, Fourth Vice-President.
Program includes Guy Kendall's handwritten notes about changes in race line ups and race finishes. Kendall also mounted race day photos inside the program.
Standardbred horses, American Standardbred racehorses, Maine harness racing, Maine horse racing, Sulky racing, Trotting races, New England harness racing
Rights and Access Note
Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.
Track Location
Souvenir Program, Skowhegan Fair, Aug. 20, 1931
Skowhegan, Maine
Twelve-page Souvenir Program Skowhegan Fair for harness racing, baseball and horse pulling. The Skowhegan Fair Officers and Race Officials are listed on the inside front cover. The daily fair program is printed on the back cover.
Fair Officers included: William L. Robertson, President; Francis E. Croteau, Secretary; Fred W. Weston, Asst. Secretary; Ralph T. Jenkins, Treasurer; Jerry F. Cole, First Vice-President; Francis H. Friend, Second Vice-President; C. Davis Miller, Third Vice-President; C. W. Day, Fourth Vice-President.
Program includes Guy Kendall's handwritten notes about changes in race line ups and race finishes. Kendall also mounted race day photos inside the program.
Souvenir Program
Skowhegan Fair
Thursday, August 20, 1931
Race Officials
Chas. B. Stickney, Nashua, N.H., Starter
Harry Lee, Augusta, Presiding
G. MIlton Hatch, New Vineyard
Oscar Flanders, Madison
Byron B. Perkins
C. Scott Robinson
Race Secretary & Clerk
Fred W. Weston
2.17 Trot and Pace
Purse $300
FOX TROT, bm Deroche, Perry D. Nelson, Dexter Driv.—Nelson Cols.—Blue and Red
DUDE MCKLYO, bg, Peter McKlyo, Wendell A. Wathen, Ft. Fairfield Driv.—Wathen Cols.—Blue and Gold
JUNE REX, bm General Rex, A. F. Pinkham, Bangor Driv.—Kelley Cols.—Green and Red
TRAMPFLEET, (scratch) bg, Trampfast, E. C. Snowden, Kennebunk Driv.—Haddock Cols.—Blue and White
WORTHY SILK, (scratch) chg, Harvest Worthy Geo. W. Bachelder, Rockland Driv.—Chappelle Cols.—Green and Yellow
SADIE DILLON, bm, Nelson Dillon Grant A. Hunt, Ft. Fairfield, Grover Johnson, Ft. Fairfield Driv.—Johnson Cols.—Blue
MISS ABBE, blk m, The Abbe, Henry Clukey, Rockland Driv.—Clukey Cols.—Orange and Black
2.22 Stake Trot
Purse $500
TOP WORTHY, bg, Harvest Worthy Geo. W. Bachelder, Rockland Driv.—Chappelle Cols.—Green and Yellow
RANCE, bg, Worthy Peter Henry Clukey, Rockland Maynard Brennan, Rockland Driv.—Clukey Cols.—Orange and Black
MYRTLE WORTHY, (scratch) C. S. Towlethy ,rabgnoxAwmMro, Winthrop Driv. Reynolds Cols.—White
HIRAM DILLON, ch g, Nelson Dillon Carl Hughes, Bangor Driv—Hughes Cols.—Blue and Green
BETTY S., bm, Atlantic Express F. O. Simonson, Limestone Driv.—Willard Cols.—Purple and Gold
TOM THUMB, blk g, San Francisco I. W. Pottle, Portland Driv.—Pottle Cols.—Blue and Gold
CECELIA DeFOREST, bm, The DeForest John E. Kelley, Bangor Driv.—McIntyre Cols.—Blue and White
BITHER, bg, Kernel Dr. F. A. Bragdon, Springvale Driv.—Smith Col.—Gray
CALUMET AMORET, hr g, Belwin Fred C. Pooler, Skowliegan Driv.—Myrer Cols.—Cream and Brown
THRUSTFAST, bm, Trampfast Dr. A. L. Stanwood, Rumford Driv.—Jordan Cols.—Blue and White
3-Year Old Trot
Purse $400
WALTER WORTHY, bg, Wireworthy Walter Reynolds, Winslow Driv.—Reynolds Col.—White
STANWOOD GUY, bc, Arion Guy F. P. Fox, Lewiston Driv.—Fox Cols. Black and White
ALL GET, ro g, All Worthy Dr. F. A. Bragdon, Springvale Driv. Smith Col.—Gray CINDERELLA, bf, Guy Axworthy F. W. Woodman, Haverhill, Mass. Driv.-Kingsley Cols.—Green
2.14 Stake Pace
Purse $500
LEE STRATHMORE, br s, Knight of Strathmore S. A. Wathen, Ft. Fairfield Driv.—Johnston Col.—Blue
CHERRY VOLO, bm, Peter Volo W. H. Wright, Ft. Fairfield Driv.—Mason Cols.—Black and White
PETER MAGNUS, br g, Peter Peiffer F. W. Woodman, Haverhill, Mass. Driv.—Kingsley Col.—Green
SISTER NAPOLEON, ch m, Napoleon The Great H. B. Burgess, Rockland Driv.—Gray Jordan Cols.—Brown
EARLY TODD, br g, Iowa Todd T. V. Holdaway, Houlton Driv.—Nevers Cols.—Green and Yellow
BILLY STRATHMORE, bg, Knight of Strathmore J. Howard Randall, Harrison Driv.—Pottle Col.—Blue and Gold
GAIETY McGREGGOR, ch m, McGreggor The Great C. R. Bond, Bangor M. Kane, Bangor Driv.—Chappelle Cols.—Green and Yellow