Document type
Score Card
State Fair Park
Date of Race
Park Location
Lewiston, Maine
Event Type
2.20 Trot
Level of Description
Extent of the Unit of Description
1 page
Scorecard for the 2.20 Trot, at the State Fair Park in Lewiston, Maine, cut from a larger race program. Score card was glued into the photo album by Guy Kendall. Card includes Kendall's handwritten notes about changes in the field and race finishes.
Standardbred horses, American Standardbred racehorses, Maine harness racing, Maine horse racing, Sulky racing, Trotting races
Rights and Access Note
Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.
Track Location
2.20 Trot, Lewiston, Maine
Lewiston, Maine
Scorecard for the 2.20 Trot, at the State Fair Park in Lewiston, Maine, cut from a larger race program. Score card was glued into the photo album by Guy Kendall. Card includes Kendall's handwritten notes about changes in the field and race finishes.
2.20 Trot
Purse $750
1. “David Watts” chestnut gelding by General Watts;
B. C. Wells, Readfield, Me.
Colors: Khaki. Driver: W ells.
2. “Magnolia” roan gelding by Magnolia;
Hugh Hight, Fairfield, Me.
Colors: Blue and White. Driver: Bearce.
3. “Lorna Doone," bay mare by Thistle Doone.
Jacob Worth, Farmington, Me.
Colors: Khaki. Driver: Gould.
4. "Harwah” bay gelding by Harvest North
Henry Clukey, Dexter, Me.
Colors: Black. Driver: Clukey.
5. "Beeswing" (scratch) brown mare by Hollywood Bob;
Joseph Robinson, Oxford,Me.
Colors: Green. Driver: Kingsley.