Document type

Score Card


Sage Park

Date of Race


Park Location

Windsor, Connecticut



Level of Description


Extent of the Unit of Description

4 pages


Trott's Official Score Card for the Friday, July 9, 1926 races at Sage Park Windsor, Conn. The card includes the names of race officials and Guy Kendall's handwritten notes recording race details. The score card was printed by Trott Brothers of Boston, Mass. Frank G. Trott was an agent with Hartford Live Stock Insurance Co., selling insurance coverage for race horses. Frank Trott was also a reporter for the Boston Globe, covering harness racing in New England from 1896-1949.


Sage Park Windsor, Conn.
Thursday, July 8th, 1926

A. H. STANDISH, Starter
F. H. THRALL, Pres.
J. P. GRAHAM, Sec’y
S. J. ORR, Vice-Pres
A. J. WILSON, Treas.

2:15 CLASS
PURSE $1,000

1. GOLDEN DIRECT , chestnut gelding, 2:06 1/4 Sire, Walter Direct—Beaut Kennedy by Jim Kennedy BROWN-WHITE H. TYSON

2. GILDED LADY SECOND, brown mare, 2:04 1/2 Sire, Peter William—Gilded Lady by Heir at Law BROWN C. SPOON

3. HOLT (scratch), bay gelding, 2:10 Sire, Beirne Holt—Mary Pettit by Dolan Chief BLACK-GOLD F. TOBEY

4. JOLLY GIRL, bay mare, 2:09 1/4 Sire, Binjolla—Bloomer Girl by Allan Downs GREEN-WHITE J. BURLINGAME

5. BARNEY SUNSHINE, bay gelding, 2:14 1/4 Sire, Peter Vonia—Berta Belini by Belini BLUE H. LOVELL

6. D.A.D., black gelding, 2:10 1/4 Sire, Don Densmore—Franconn by Greystone BLUE A. MARTIN

7. COQUETILLA, bay mare, 2:08 1/4 Sire, Bonington—Catherine I by Peter the Great GREEN—WHITE W. BREITENFIELD

8. BILLY FITCH, bay gelding, 2:11 1/4 Sire, San Francisco—Mare by Sidney Dillon BLUE-RED A. MORRISON

9. ROBERT NERVOLO (scratch), bay gelding, 2:11 3/4 (EASEFAST, roan gelding, written in by Kendall). Sire, Nervolo—Unnamed Mare by Duke Arundle BLUE H. KING

10. HAZEL DIRECT, bay mare, 2:08 Sire, High Admiral—Dottie Dimple by Patchen Wilkes BLUE-WHITE J. SMITH

PURSE $1,000

1. KATE HAL, chestnut mare, 2:01 1/4 Sire, Hal Mercury—Alberta Lass by Wiry Jim BLACK-WHITE W. LEESE

2. SIR ROCH, bay gelding, 1:59 1/2 Sire, Saint Roch—Animus by Echo Bell BROWN G. LOOMIS

3. GUESSWORK, bay mare, 2:04 3/4 Sire, Peter the Great—Elsie Leyburn by Expedition GREEN-GOLD W. FLEMMING

4. BARON WORTHY, roan gelding, 2:01 Sire, Worthy McKinney—Baroness Sybill by Baron Wilkes BLACK-WHITE H. CORBIN

5. RIBBON CANE, bay mare, 2:01 3/4 Sire, Peterhof—Dixie Lou by Walter Direct BLUE C. MASON

6. BILLY D, bay gelding, 2:07 1/4 Sire, Leo Tell GREEN-WHITE W. BREITENFIELD

2:09 CLASS
PURSE $1,000

1. THOMPSON DILLON, black gelding, 2:02 3/4 Sire, Dillon Axworthy—Miss Pierette by Peter the Great BLACK-WHITE W. LEESE

2. COASTA JAY, brown mare, 2:08 1/4 Sire, Indiana Jay—Effie C. by Coastman WHITE-GREEN W. McGEATH

3. PETER BUSKIRK, bay geldings, 2:08 1/4 Sire, Peter the Great—Lady Ripples by The Tramp GREEN-GOLD W. HODSON

4. ESCOTILLO, brown gelding, 2:03 3/4 Sire, Atlantic Express—Quite Worthy by Axworthy BLUE-WHITE E. McGRATH

5. MARMADUKE, bay gelding, 2:03 1/4 Sire, Belwin—Jane Ann H. by Peter the Great BLACK-RED H. BRUSIE

6. FAYETTE NATIONAL, brown gelding, 2:03 1/4 Sire, San Francisco—Wignam Belle by Wignam BLUE-WHITE L. BRUSIE

7. LITTLE SLED, bay gelding, 2:08 1/4 Sire, Sledmere—Azadora by Azoff GREEN-WHITE W. BREITENFIELD

8. HARRIS AXTIEN, black gelding, 2:08 1/4 Sire, Axtien BLACK W. CROZIER

9. LEE WINDER, brown gelding, 2:13 1/4 Sire, Lee Axworthy BLUE R. WHITEHILL


Standardbred horses, Connecticut harness racing, Connecticut horse racing, Sulky racing, Trotting races

Rights and Access Note

Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.


Track Location

Jul 9th, 12:00 AM

Sage Park Pace & Trot

Windsor, Connecticut

Trott's Official Score Card for the Friday, July 9, 1926 races at Sage Park Windsor, Conn. The card includes the names of race officials and Guy Kendall's handwritten notes recording race details. The score card was printed by Trott Brothers of Boston, Mass. Frank G. Trott was an agent with Hartford Live Stock Insurance Co., selling insurance coverage for race horses. Frank Trott was also a reporter for the Boston Globe, covering harness racing in New England from 1896-1949.

Rights Statement

No Known Copyright

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