Home > JOSIS > Vol. 2011 > No. 3 (2011)
Wayfinding aids are of great benefit because users do not have to rely on their learned geographic knowledge or orientation skills alone for successful navigation. Additionally cognitive resources usually captured by this activity can be spent elsewhere. A challenge however remains for wayfinding aid developers. Due to the automation of wayfinding aids navigator independence may be decreasing via the use of these aids. In order to address this wayfinding aids might be improved additionally to perform a training role. Since the most versatile wayfinders appear to deploy a dual strategy for geographic orientation it is proposed that wayfinding aids be improved to foster such an approach. This paper presents the results of an experimental study testing a portion of the suggested enhancement.
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Recommended Citation
Waters, Wilfred and Winter, Stephan
"A wayfinding aid to increase navigator independence,"
Journal of Spatial Information Science:
3, 103-122.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5311/JOSIS.2011.3.43
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