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George Howard Crosby was born in Waterville, Maine on September 2, 1911, he attended the Classical High School in Worcester, Massachusetts before attending Clark University and Colby College (Class of 1936). Before being appointed registrar of the University of Maine in 1955, Crosby had served as registrar of the University of Texas, Medical Branch at Galveston.

In 1933, Crosby traveled in Europe on the schooner Bowdoin. Crosby was with the U.S. Army in the Philippines from 1937 to 1940. From 1941 to 1945 he was secretary of the Army and Navy YMCA in Manila. He also spent three years in Japanese internment camps (1942-1945). During 1946 and 1947, he resumed work for the Army and Navy Y.M.C.A. being stationed at Ft. Hancock, NJ. He then served as a teacher and registrar of the Iolani School in Honolulu, HI.

In addition to being registrar at the University of Maine, Crosby was on the Maine Wing Staff of Civil Air Patrol as Director of Education. In 1961, Crosby was assigned additional duties as director of student services. Crosby retired from the University of Maine in 1974 and died later that same year.

The record group also contains correspondence, reports, regulations, photographs, and reference material related to Crosby's tenure as Director of Education for the Civil Air Patrol; and applications to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for a byproduct material license to Crosby and the Penobscot County Civil Defense Organization and details of Crosby training radiological monitors at the University of Maine.

Publication Date



Education, Military and War, Science and Technology

Size of Collection

1 box

Dates of Collection

1835-1972, bulk 1953-1972

Manuscript Number

UA RG 0011.067

Crosby (George H.) Papers, 1835-1972
