Document Type

Video Recording

1966 Ira C. Darling Center for Research, Teaching and Service _ University of Maine


Darling Marine Center, University of Maine

Publication Date


Abstract/ Summary

This is a film of the Darling Marine Center filmed in 1966 by the Public Affairs Office of the University of Maine. There is no sound. A timeline follows:

00:09 Group discussion or meeting at Wentworth Point. Possibly it is an interview with national journalist Sander Vanocur.

01:24 Farmhouse

01:29 Administrative Assistant Diantha Carrigan and DMC Director Dr. David Dean.

02:04 Lab in farmhouse basement. PhD candidate James Blake walks over and sits down. Sitting on his right is his wife Crystal Blake. On his left is research assistant George Noyes.

02:29 Quite possibly the canning closet and the beginning of the Darling Marine Center Library.

02:44 The front of the farmhouse.

03:24 Working on the dock.

03:47 Working on the tractor. The tractor barn. 0

3:56 The carriage house.

04:02 Darling Center caretaker Keith Leeman in the workshop.


04:55 Horse Barn and greenhouse.



05:34 The Dean family.

06:13 The Darling Center road.

06:22 People at the Wentworth Point shoreline.

06:52 The Mowed Field.

Publisher Statement

© 2014 Darling Marine Center



Streaming Media

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