Increasing Access and Success in the STEM Disciplines: A Model for Supporting the Transition of High School Students with Disabilities into STEM-Related Postsecondary Education

Martie Kendrick, University of Maine - Main
Marnie Bragdon-Morneault, University of Maine - Main
Janet May, University of Maine - Main
Alan Kurtz, University of Maine - Main

Abstract/ Summary

This publication (191-page PDF) contains a package of evidenced-based transition supports that can be used by educators or instructors with high school students with disabilities who are interested in pursuing STEM-related postsecondary education and careers. The publication contains information and instructional activities related to the following: self-advocacy and self-determination; exploring STEM careers; disability disclosure; the accommodations process in college; identifying assistive technology; mentoring relationships and internships; and using student- and family-centered planning to prepare for college.