Document Type

Grant Application

Project/Presentation Title

FALL 2014 New Writing Series


English Department


see attached



Project Period

FY 2013-2014

Event Sponsor

Cultural Affairs/ Distinguished Lecture Series

Project Abstract/ Summary

Dear Members of the Cultural Affairs/Distinguished Lecture Series Committee, I write to request the Committee's support for the Fall 2014 New Writing Series, an innovative literary arts program sponsored by the English Department and the National Poetry Foundation.

The amount we request-$6,000-represents forty-three percent (43%) of the projected operating budget for the fall Series of $14,120. The majority of the financial support for the Series will be provided by the English Department and the National Poetry Foundation. In continuation of a long-standing agreement, the Honors College will provide $ 1000 in support of an Honors Odyssey event. The detailed budget appended to this letter provides an overview of projected expenses and funding sources. In accordance with the Committee's recent request, I have adopted the standard budget form and supplemented it with a spreadsheet that itemizes projected expenses.


