
Image scanned from black and white interpositive labeled "Abbott, Mrs. Arthur Interiors." An elegant living room is depicted in this slightly damaged photograph. In the center of the room is a polished round table, covered in what looks like a small rug. It holds an ornate box and several piles of books. There are several chairs in the room, as well as a stiffly upholstered couch. A bookcase with glass doors rests against the back wall, and there is a fireplace, complete with andirons, on the right side of the image. Two incredibly elaborate candlesticks are on the mantelpiece, as well as a small clock. There is a portrait above the fireplace, another painting above the bookcase, and a round mirror on one wall. Hanging lamps adorn the white ceiling. There is a white sculpture, apparently of a naked figure, on a side table. A large rug covers much of the wooden floor. A radiator is visible on the far wall.
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Abbot (Me.), Piscataquis County (Me.), Interior Architecture, Chairs, Tables, Fireplaces, Books, Rugs, Sculpture